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It was their Bronze Age predecessors who wore them, for ceremonial purposes, 2, 000 years before Eric the Red. Horned-helmeted priests would have played these lur horns. These distinctive Nordic wind instruments — found in bogs all over Denmark — added atmosphere to Bronze Age ritual. While 3, 000 years old — as old as the Iliad and the Odyssey — they still play. Even back then, the Danes had a flair for design. The ornamental disc is a sun symbol — perhaps as if these horns played the magical music of the sun. Getting around Copenhagen is easy, especially if you can ride a bike. Today's city is designed for cyclists. Many locals find pedaling around town is more efficient than driving.
During his reign of over 50 years, the size of Copenhagen doubled. His study was small…cozy, easy to heat. Like any good king, Christian did a lot of corresponding. Historians know a lot about his rule because 3, 000 of his handwritten letters survive. He was eight years old when his father died…still too young to rule without a regent.
The shields of various Danish provinces lining the inside remind the king that he's surrounded by his realms. Cases of treasures dazzle visitors. Today's royal jewels were made in 1840 of diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and pearls from earlier royal jewelry. Imagine these on the dance floor. The crown jewels are still worn by the queen on special occasions. Denmark's kings embraced Lutheranism as the state religion during the Reformation, back in the 16th century. This memorial celebrates Denmark's break from the Roman Catholic Church.
Exhibits are laid out chronologically and described in English. Rosenborg Castle This finely furnished Dutch Renaissance-style castle was built by King Christian IV in the early 1600s as a summer residence. Rosenborg was his favorite residence and where he chose to die. Open to the public since 1838, it houses the Danish crown jewels and 500 years of royal knickknacks. Cathedral of Our Lady Copenhagen's Neoclassical cathedral feels like a pagan temple that now houses Christianity. Besides its masterpiece sculptures, the church also features marvelous acoustics, demonstrated in free organ concerts on Saturdays in summer. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek The museum has intoxicating artifacts from Egypt, Greece, the Etruscan world, and Rome.